Ed Tech StartUp

Bringing gamification to the world

12th November, 2022 - 3 min read

Byron Fisher


G'day, This blog represents, as a startup, what we are trying to achieve with gamification, how, what and why.


Our vision for Elandra is to be the go-to platform for gamification and education. Following a child's achievements in real life, whether learning to swim, playing sports, scouting, learning a second language or anything where a child is growing and having fun.


If you know me, I say: "there is no harm in asking". The worst-case scenario is someone, or a company will say no. Some of our sponsors run startup programs unavailable to non-US companies or do not provide support programs specifically for self-funded startups. So through the standard channels of contacting support, I shared our vision, goals, and whether it was possible to get free credits for a year or two.

Strategising the "how?"

We are a self-funded startup that has chosen not to go down VC funding yet. A slight tangent on why "self-funded"? So we can create something "great" without stressing about meeting external deadlines. An awesome outcome of this is we made project Forever ISE.

So we must be strategic when reaching out to companies, as sponsor credits only last 12 months, with 1 exceptional company providing 24 months. We have yet to have a company say no.

Being selective with the "how?"

We conduct in-depth research on a company to ensure they meet our requirements. Not just from a product/service but as a wholesome company, work culture, targets for carbon reduction, and giving back.

Once we validate them as a wholesome company, we ensure the product and services work financially.


Let's get down to the fun stuff, World of Mathcraft and world gamification. I will provide some examples of what we are implementing, but we have so much more coming, and I cannot wait to share them with you.

Swimming in schools (Victoria Government):

VicRoads Bike Ed (Victoria Government)

Victoria's early childhood road safety education program (Victoria Government)


We are trying to reinforce and reward your child's learning.

Cheers for reading,

Byron Fisher

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